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belum mempunyai bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "belum mempunyai"
  • belum:    do not already; do not yet; had not already; had
  • mempunyai:    comprise; had; had any; had got; has; hast; have;
  • belum:    do not already; do not yet; had not already; had not been; had not yet; hasn't; have not; have not already; have not been; have not so; have not yet; not yet; under done; no; non; crudely; not; artl
  • mempunyai:    comprise; had; had any; had got; has; hast; have; have any; have got; having; having got; possess; with; take on; take; maintain; carry; make; give; retain; accept; take in; deliver; receive; pack;
  • belum beristeri:    bachelor
  • belum berkembang:    undeveloped; fallow; aborted
  • belum berpengalaman:    born yesterday; wet behind the ears; new to
  • belum biasa:    not as yet common
  • belum cocok:    not ready
  • belum dewasa:    immature; callow; impuberal; unripe
  • belum diasah:    uncut
  • belum dibayar:    owing
  • belum dibersihkan:    unexpurgated
  • belum dicap:    uncanceled
  • belum dicernakan:    undigested
  • I haven't had brussels sprouts in years.
    Aku belum mempunyai brusseIs mulai tumbuh di tahun.
  • I can't believe the young lady doesn't already have plans.
    Aku tak percaya wanita muda belum mempunyai acara.
  • I don't even have the engine yet.
    Aku bahkan belum mempunyai teknologi untuk menciptakannya.
  • I haven't had a brussels sprouts
    Aku belum mempunyai satu brusseIs mulai tumbuh
  • It didn't have the new digital watermark.
    Alarmnya belum mempunyai watermark digital baru.
  • We ain't had a real one yet.
    kita belum mempunyai sesesuatu yang nyata.
  • Actually, she doesn't have the job yet.
    Sebenarnya, ibuku belum mempunyai pekerjaan.
  • Yeah, but it's not a story yet.
    Ya, tapi belum mempunyai cerita
  • But you still haven't worked up the courage to meet them.
    Tapi kau masih belum mempunyai keberanian untuk menemui mereka.
  • Now, this new symmetrical object does not have a name yet.
    Sekarang, objek simetris baru ini masih belum mempunyai sebuah nama.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5